Flora in Denali


Although it is a subarctic region, Denali National Park hosts an amazing variety of tundral and boreal plant lifeforms. Here you will find a few photos featuring these lovely and remarkably adaptive plants.




Fireweed and larkspur along the highway



Fireweed and lupine



Foxtail Barley -- Listed by the state as a noxious, invasive weed. I think it is lovely.


The Legend of Fireweed

It is said that the fireweed takes all summer to
bloom and die. The blossoms start at the bottom
opening up to the top. When the blooms at the top are
completely open, the bottom ones will start to die,
again working their way to the top of the flower. When
the very last blossoms at the top die, there will be
frost that night and winter has arrived.


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